The Power of Health

Every day our body is under siege from viruses, toxins, carcinogens, fungus, pollution, Bacteria, germs, and parasites. Time, disobedience to God’s health laws, and abuse have caused our bodies to become weaker, and our environment has become more poisonous. The war on our bodies is relentless. God created our body with a fortress to defend health and to defeat the weapons that war against health. God designed our immune system to be our protector. To understand the importance and power of the immune system, we must understand what happens to a body at death. When a death occurs, the immune system, along with other body processes, shuts down. In a matter of hours, the body is invaded by bacteria, microbes, and parasites. 

None of these things are allowed entrance when the immune system is working. The moment the immune system becomes inactive, the invasion is immediate. It only takes a few weeks for these organisms to destroy, dismantle and carry the body away. It is the job of the immune system to keep this from happening while we are alive. We have damaged our immune system through disobedience to God’s health principles. But it is written, “We are fearfully [and] wonderfully made,” Psalms  139:14. Having health does not mean you will never get sick, but it does mean you can better overcome illness and disease. When we build our immune system, we build health, the weapon God has designed as a defense against illness and disease to defeat illness and disease.   By the grace of God and through continued obedience to God’s laws, we can be restored to health. If you are ill, it is with more diligence that you must strive to obey God’s health laws. God says, “Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die,” Ezekiel 23:11.

The first step in rebuilding your health is to desire a life change. Take a look at your life and decide to change your lifestyle. No plan will come to fruition without Trust in God. So begin your plan by believing, " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me, Philippians 4:13.  

Trust is defined as placing confidence in or depending upon someone or something. Trust requires a personal relationship and does not always come easy. We must first know someone and their intentions toward us to trust someone. So you must take time to get to know God. Read His Word and commune often with him in prayer.

Choose nutritious food that builds health. A nutritious diet is the most helpful tool to improve health. When choosing fruit and vegetables, choose the freshest and most natural. Organic foods are best; avoid GMO products whenever possible. Organic foods can contain 300 times the nutrients of none organic foods. When choosing food, remember you are choosing the building blocks for your life.

God gave specific instructions on which meats could and could not be consumed. They are called clean and unclean meats. We are permitted to eat clean meat. Leviticus chapter 11 tells us what meats are clean and unclean. Take time to read this chapter to learn how you can choose healthful meats.  Clean meats that you choose should not contain blood or fat. In this period in history, animals have become more sickly; it would be more healthful to stop eating meat altogether.

Get fresh air, sunshine, and exercise daily to boost the immune system and improve your health. Exercise does not have to be strenuous; no power walk is needed. Walk 20-30 minutes a day outside in the sunshine, enjoy the environment, and you will have met the requirements for all three of these health principles. You will find that you have more energy and a brighter outlook on life. 

Learn to be temperate. Temperance is the most critical factor in life and health. Temperance not only includes doing things in the right amounts but also avoiding those things that are not conducive to good health and life.

Drink adequate water every day. It will help flush the body of impurities, and water is required for most of our body functions. Thirst is not an accurate indicator of the body’s need for water. People with no medical restrictions should drink water at regular intervals but don’t drink water with their meals. When taken with meals, water causes premature dilution of the food, interfering with the digestive process.

The body needs rest and sleep to repair itself. Frequently take a break from your busy duties during the day to catch a breath and relax. Get a good night's sleep. During sleep, our body organs have time to heal and recover. During sleep, our muscles relax, and our nervous system is relieved of the strain imposed upon it by day-to-day living activities. The body uses this time to repair and renew itself.

Having created us, God knows what is best for us. He set aside a whole day, a twenty-four-hour period each week, specifically for our rest and communion with Him. He has commanded us to “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, not thy son, not thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:8-11).

Sabbath time is set aside for proper rest and reflection upon our Creator—a time to fellowship with God and be renewed in spirit and truth. Follow God's health principles. Obedience brings health and healing.