Clean Water

Clean Water

Water is one of the most abundantly supplied elements of nature. It is a unique and powerful substance especially prepared by God to sustain life.  Water is the most effective solvent known.  Its ability to dissolve and remove many substances makes water important in supporting life. 

The best choice of drinking water is one that is pure, and free from disease-causing organisms, chemicals and pollutants. Mineral water is hard water that contains minerals that the body may absorb. God designed that we should receive our nutrients from food not water. Chlorinated water is not a healthy choice.  People who drink chlorinated water have a 90% greater of developing cancer, esp. in the bladder and kidneys.

Our vital organs are approximately 70% water and they require water for their essential functions to be performed.  The circulatory system is very dependent upon water. Water is a component necessary for the blood to carry nutrients throughout the body.   

Drinking water in sufficient amounts helps to: fight infection, rid the body of waste products, prevent or relieve constipation, and prevent kidney stones. Water is necessary for the chemical reactions that take place in the body. It helps control the body temperature, lubricates joints and organs, and it is necessary for nerve conduction. If you are not on any fluid restrictions or have to limit your fluid intake a simple way to determine your body’s water needs, divide your body weight by 16; this will determine how many glasses of water you personally need. Example: if you weigh 119 lbs /16 = 7.5. You would need 7 ½, 8 oz. glasses of water a day.  

Thirst is not an accurate indicator of the body’s need for water.  A person with no medical restrictions should drink water at regular intervals but don’t drink water with your meals.  When taken with meals, water causes premature dilution of the food, interfering with the digestive process.  Also, avoid extremely cold water.  Cold water arrests digestion until the body is able to warm it up.  Take care with extremely hot drinks as well; they can injure or weaken the stomach. “And let him that is athirst come.  And whoever will let him take of the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).  Only water can truly quench thirst and supply the necessary fluid for proper body functions. 

Water is equally important in external cleansing.  Bathe frequently to help prevent illness.  To detoxify the body of heavy metals, add ½ cup of Epson salt, baking soda or sea salt to a tub of warm bath water. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Use a natural soap to bath yourself. The water will be dark with impurities.